Friday, May 23, 2008

Sad and worried

Well I just got an email from my friend Bill who is a Medic in the Army and is currently in South Korea, is going to be going to Fort Bliss in a few month for training and then will be going to Iraq. Now I would have been sad to hear about this but what sucks more is that just before I checked his email I was looking at one from another friend of mine about praying for our troops with pics of the dead. Not a good combination for something like that. I really hope he will be ok and that I will be able to see him soon. I havent seen him in almost a year. This is a sad day for me and just praying that he will be fine.


Jane said...

You never know what will happen. Maybe it is meant to be and hw will help someone who really needs it.

Littlebit's collections said...

Oh I know. I just hope hes not the one that is going to need to be saved. Things happen for a reason.