Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Bombs Away!!!

So today was quite amusing...well more hillarious. Today I was walking to my interview when something happend. I was walking under some trees about 5-10 feet from the cross walk when I got hit in the head by something. At first I thought someone hit me upside the head so I turned around looking to see who it was but no one was there. In fact I didnt see anything. I did see a lady in her car covering her mouth cause she was trying not to laugh. A few seconds later. BAM! I got hit again but this time I saw what was hitting me. It was a bird. This time the lady was shaking so bad becuase she was trying so hard to hold it in. It didnt matter though because I was doing the same thing. I felt like a cat. I couldnt believe it. Ive never seen anyone get hit in the head by a bird. Yeah I see it on tv and pictures but not live. And it happend to me. Well I hope you all enjoy my humorous adventure of walking to an interview. Watch your heads.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Sad and worried

Well I just got an email from my friend Bill who is a Medic in the Army and is currently in South Korea, is going to be going to Fort Bliss in a few month for training and then will be going to Iraq. Now I would have been sad to hear about this but what sucks more is that just before I checked his email I was looking at one from another friend of mine about praying for our troops with pics of the dead. Not a good combination for something like that. I really hope he will be ok and that I will be able to see him soon. I havent seen him in almost a year. This is a sad day for me and just praying that he will be fine.

Saturday, May 17, 2008


Ah movies, some great pastimes with some great memories. There are a few movies that I really enjoy from comedy, classics, romance (to a point), horror, thriller (even though these are the same to me), mystery, and action. Some to name off cause there are so many but I will share the ones that I enjoy watching more. I love Oliver the 1968 film. My mom has it or had it Im not sure which right now. I tried to watch the newer version of it but there was no...enjoyment in it. I enjoy the singing, the dancing, and everything else about the 1968 version. I also enjoy watching dirty dancing, The Crow (the first one with Brandon Lee), Robin Hood:King of thieves, Robin Hood:Men in Tights, Sweeny Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleat Street, Phantom of the Opera, Chicago, and more. I enjoy variety in movies and in life.

I just wish that I was able to find the movie Oliver online to watch it becuase it is so great, same with Robin Hood: King of Thieves. Everything else I can find and watch but I guess there are a few that are just harder to find and watch. I wasnt even able to find the movie Oliver in stores I dont know if I can only order the movie on Amazon.com or what. Well I hope you all enjoy cause I sure do. Usually I just sit and watch a movie when I do my cross stitches which is probably one of the reasons why it takes me so long to do them. :P

Diablo 2

I finally beat this game at 1 in the morning. It is very addicting game but I was only able to play it for a little bit at a time before the computer turned off. Its pretty old but still some fun. I was playing it for a few weeks and was very excited when I won. I dont win video games all that often so when I do I like to share the joy. Not a lot of people have heard/played this game. Its about 3 brothers who escaped from Hell to destroy the world of man. You chose a character class like, assassin, barbarin, necromancer, palidin, druid, sorceress, or amazon. They all have different skill and powers that you get to play with. You do quests in different parts of their world to save the town from destruction. At first its a bit easy when you get the hang of the character but then it get really hard towards the end. I died so many times it ended up being funny. I really enjoyed playing this and wanted to share something else that I enjoy doing in my spare time. I like doing a lot of different things. I tend to wander when I do only one thing so I multi-task a lot. Sometimes I forget what Im doing cause Im doing so much but most of the times I enjoy it.

Monday, May 12, 2008

My kitty

This is my sweet, abnoxious, funny, very needy kitty. Her name is flux and she is 2 right now. This is when she was a few months old. She still likes to chew on my fingers like I was her dinner or something. Still I love her. She is a chunk right now and sleeps under her blanket that my mom gave me for Christmas one year. She stole it from me and loves it. She is a weird one though. She loves to pretend shes spiderman or something because she gets in these really hyper moods where she is literally jumping off the walls. Its funny to see. She also likes to play hide and go seek. She always hids and the only way I find her is when she pops out from where she is hiding and bits my ankles. At least I know she will always keep me on my toes. Well I just wanted to share my kitty with everyone because I love her and she is a joy to have. Man you would think I was a parent or something cause she sure does act like she is a human kid.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

my favorite comic

I remember reading these 3 comics when I was little. We had more but these ones were my favorite. I didnt realize there were so many of them cause now I want them all.

This one I got for Christmas from a friend. I went with him to do some Christmas shopping at Barnes and Nobles. It was really bad for us to go there becuase we were stalling and looking at books when we had to leave to catch the bus but then I saw the comic and practically drooled all over it that my friend snatched it out of my hands and bought it for me. But to be mean he said that I had to wait till Christmas to look at it. That was sad but I did it and I loved it. Its so funny.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Some stitching sites

Here are a few links of sites that I will randomly go to and see what cross stitches there are.
There were a few more but I think I lost the sites or forgot to save them. Hope you all enjoy

Little bows for little people

Well I couldnt find a picture with just the one bow but the bow that I have is the teal color one. It is very pretty in person and is almost have the size of a regular compound bow. (compound is a medal bow with wheels at both ends of the bow, a recurve is the classic wooden one with only one string). I prefer to shoot with a compound becuase for me they are a lot easier to shoot. The last time I shot a recurve I did a Robin Hood: Men in Tights move where the arrow flew behind me instead of foward. They are very lovely bows and wouldnt mind having one just to putts around with but you pick and choose what works for you the best. There are a few people that can use both like its nothing. I am not that good and I dont think I want to be till I have my own buisness. That is one thing that I want to be able to do in the future. Go back to school for buisness and open my own Archery shop where it is only archery. Well I just wanted to share another little part of my joys in life.

Thank you for visiting. :D

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

My little works

Before I got into cross stitching when I was little my mother taught me how to make simple beginner pillows just so that I can get use to using a needle and thread. As the years went on I stopped making pillows and went to cross stitching. Here are a few that I have done.

So I was able to get some pictures of some of the cross stitches that I have done. This is my first one that I did when I was young. It was suppose to be a bookmark but my mom got a little to excited and framed the little bit that I finished. Its ok though still looks good.

This one I did when I was grounded for a month. :D I really love dolphins and since tv, friends, and phone was out of the question at the time, my mom went out and bought me this. I finished it pretty quickly becuase I have this nack for just sitting on the couch and just getting absorbed into what Im doing.

This one took me a while to do but was relieved when I finished it. I enjoyed doing this one but was a challenge for me because I sarted this a few years after I did the dolphin one. Took me a while to get back into the rhythm of thing. It is now at my moms house.

This last piece almost took me a year to do and YAY I have finished it. I dont have a picture yet of it but hopefully will be able to get one soon, and might I add it does look really good.

New and excited

Hi, my name is Elizabeth. I am new on here but it seems like this would be a fun way to share with everyone the things that I love to do. One of them is Archery. This is something that I enjoy doing but havent been able to for a while. If I could I would be out everyday with my little compound bow shooting at some targets. I also enjoy reading books and comics online, cross stitching, which I will be putting some pictures of thoes up when I get the chance, walking since gas and cars are too expensive, and many other things. For me introduction is very important becuase it helps people know who the person is and know what the person enjoys.